drugs and murder


I just had this conversation with my fiancé and it got heated. Okay so I know someone who willingly bought drugs. Overdosed and died. The person who sold her the drugs was charged with murder. I do not agree with this in the slightest. Here is why, okay so I buy drugs I know the risks I know if I go buy fentanyl it can kill me I still take that risk. So why should the person selling be charged with murder? I completely understand going to jail for selling drugs. But not murder I think its stupid. Like certain situations like I know this person I'm selling to is mentally unstable and want to kill themselves and I still sell anyways or I sell drugs cut with something it shouldn't be but I still sell it. I can understand that charge but other then that I think it's BS, my fiancé side of the argument is well if your selling drugs you knowingly take the risk of going away for murder so its your fault for dealing drugs..so.what does everyone on here think?

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