Mother and mental illness

Angela • Baby Boy Born July 20th 2016💙 Baby Girl Born August 24th 2018 🎀 Baby Girl #2 Born January 2022 🎀 🌈 Baby Boy #2 born May 17th 2024 💙

So I have a strange question for everyone in the CC, I know your all tired of hearing about mental illness but while it’s fresh on everyone’s mind I’d like to ask about it.

As I said it’s strange, but could always accusing and assuming other people have a mental illness be a mental illness?

Now I don’t ask this in relevance to everything that’s happening, I’m asking because of my mother.

My mother is a very mentally, verbally and occasionally physically abusive. She also can’t be talked to about it because she goes into instant denial then starts attacking whoever asks. The strange thing about my mother is she always assumes there must be something wrong with someone just because they disagree with her or do something she doesn’t like.

For example: my mother is the cause of the depression that I’ve had most of my life, as soon as I moved out and got away from her I never had the problem again until she started coming back around. When I tried talking to her about it she instantly decided that I’m bipolar, severely depressed and mentally messed up because I tried to address how shes treated me as a kid. I’ve been to doctors and had no such problem even though she tried over and over again to convince me I needed to be on medication.

Next is my father. He drinks occasionally but got drunk during the super bowl. She then decided that my father is a terrible alcoholic and we need to have this huge family intervention to stop it.. I live 5 minutes away from my parents and go there often, my favorite getting drunk on the super bowl was a one time thing. But this is how she controls people. Being in his 60s she’s also trying to say that my dad is becoming forgetful because of old age and losing it, ironically my dad is very sharp and runs a whole business almost by himself you wouldn’t even know that’s he’s 60 because he acts 30. So she wants another intervention for that.

Last is my brother. He works for my parents but for the most part tries to avoid being around my mom or going to her house for obvious reasons. So now my mom is convinced that my brother is severely depressed and he needs help. My brother is fine, and actually a pretty happy go lucky guys, we are very close. It’s just her once again making up reasons for why he won’t be around her instead of admitting that it’s her causing it.

I always just assumed my mom was just a bitch honestly but now I’m not sure, could there be a reason why she’s this way or she’s just a controlling person? Any thoughts are welcome.