2.5 HCG at 3weeks since LMP


I should note I have an 8yo and 5yo boys and we were going to start trying for our third soon before this all happened since we wanted a “planned” pregnancy lol.

I have used the Paraguard (copper iud = no hormones) without problems for 5.5 years. January 31st was my LMP. I have not missed a period in 5.5 yrs.

February 6th had sex with my husband. Something felt off. I checked my iud strings to make sure they were there and to my surprise they were GONE!!! So I scheduled an OBGYN appointment to have my iud looked at and ... Yep. The strings were gone.

After 5 minutes of “digging” in my cervix, at my request, the dr was able to pull out the iud. They ordered me a blood pregnancy test on Valentines Day and it came back negative.

Fast forward to February 18th. My boobs were super duper sensitive. I couldn’t hug my husband without them hurting. I figured I was getting ready to start my period. That day I had brown spotting. Enough to just barely coat a regular tampon.

February 19th missed my period. Boobs still sore.

February 20th missed my period. Boobs still sore.

Today, February 21st missed my period. Boobs still sore. I also had a previously scheduled doctor appt to check on my overall health before trying for #3. When I mentioned what was happening, the doctor ordered bloodwork for multiple things and she included a blood pregnancy test.

I went and got my blood work. Came back negative and the doctor told me my HCG level is 2.5 and that means not pregnant.

I am so confused. Today is exactly three weeks after lmp. Are the doctors testing too soon? Or should I stop thinking I am pregnant? Help?!?!?!?!