Could I be pregnant ??

So I would like opinion/advice!!

My form of birth control are condoms , not on any form of pill etc. Saturday(feb 10) my bf and I had an accident where the condom slipped off during/after? he ejaculated. We rushed to the nearest store and purchased a plan b and I took it within less than an hour. My period was due to start on Friday (feb 16). My period ( I think that’s what it was I read that it could be implantation bleeding? Idk?! ) came in the early hours of that Saturday (feb 17). It last for the full five days and ended yesterday (feb 21). I’m still a little scared because this is the first time I’ve ever had to take a plan b let alone have this accident. I went through all the symptoms of taking plan b such as sore breast, mood swings , bloating , cramping and being super restless. Now, I feel nothing except for being super tired and I also have this pressure and dull pinch in my lower left abdomen like to the left of my belly button? My bf and I agreed that I should take a. pregnancy test tomorrow , this Sunday and next Sunday just to be sure that I’m not pregnant. Could I be? Has anyone else had the same experience , lower abdomen pain as me or am I just being a worry wart?

Any advice , comments and opinions would be appreciated !!

Thank you (: