Very odd story..


So I found out I was pregnant, 1/27. My last month period was 12/31/17. I started bleeding 2/5 and it was random, had some clots and went to the Er, it stopped, then started again. They did my hcg and levels were 132. When they did an ultrasound, they didn’t see anything, not even a sac, so I assumed I miscarried. I bled red blood, then some brown off and on til 2/9 like a light weird period. I just got my hcg levels drawn again today (don’t have results yet), but my breast have gotten bigger and have been feeling heavy and I was actually leaking colostrum today! Like I’m so confused right now. Anyone think they were miscarrying and actually didn’t? I just thought my hcg levels should’ve been higher at the time. 🤦🏽‍♀️