Baby dropped?

Mercedes • 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

How could you tell when the baby dropped without seeing pictures of yourself? I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and I haven't been taking a whole bunch of pictures, but I've been having a lot of sharp pains whenever he moves I have to stop what I'm doing, I can't get up anymore without going so slow or things will start to ache, he used to be all up in my ribs especially when I sat down but now it's all squishy where he always used to be and instead of feeling a constant hard spot where he would always be it's squishier. I can still feel him moving around in there, does this mean he's dropped? and should I be worried about the pains I'm feeling? was there a point in your pregnancy where the baby stopped moving around as much? I'm feeling more rolls than I am actual kicks recently.