Destiny or pure coincidence

Okay so this is a long story. I’ll try making it short. I met this guy when I was in 6th grade at a science fair and his group was right in front of my group and we started chatting and we noticed we had some friends in we eventually became friends. When I first saw this guy I knew I was going to like him (he was my type) so after a while of being friends I decided to tell him that I really liked him...but he had a girlfriend at the time and there was nothing to do about it because he really loved her. So I was cool with it...I mean I was in 6th grade. By 7th grade I had my first boyfriend and he had broken up with his girlfriend he confessed that he had feelings for me but he didn’t want to say anything before. So then I broke up with my boyfriend cause of other reasons. I decided to tell him that I thought it was funny how we both had feelings for each other but the timing was off my 8th grade year. He agreed. 9th grade I once again told him I still liked him. He had a girlfriend. By 10th grade I had my second boyfriend. I was with him for 3 years 10-12th. The guy once again told me he had feelings for me within that time but I told him I was with my current boyfriend and that I loved him. We broke up. The guy moved to another city for college and I did too. We lost touch. He recently got in touch saying he had a dream about me. I applied for an internship and the company was going to assign me to a city. I got the internship in the city where he is right now. And so I decided to tell him about it. And he immediately asked if we could meet up to catch up. We are both single now. And have both been through so much emotionally. I don’t know what to think about this? Is this destiny? Or just pure coincidence. The timing was never it right now or is it too late?