Kitten at 35 weeks


Hello everyone- looking for some advice!

I’m currently 35 weeks, 5 days pregnant. I️ have had a really stressful pregnancy with a baby diagnosed at 20 week scan with a physical birth defect (missing limb due to a blood clot, nothing genetic) and have been really sad and worried for the last 15 weeks since the diagnosis.

In an attempt to cheer me up, 2 days ago my husband gifted me a precious 13 week old kitten from a reputable breeder (due to allergies we had to get a specific breed of cat). He was trying to be sweet and wasn’t thinking about any health hazards. I have been FREAKING out about the risk of toxoplasmosis. The kitten has only been kept indoors, but the breeder did feed her raw organic chicken 2x a week, which is what really has me worried. I know that toxoplasmosis is in fecal matter, so only my husband has been handling the litter 2x a day. I’ve isolated the kitten to 1 room at night and in the day she’s monitored by one of us in 3 rooms (hasn’t been on any eating surfaces and she’s not allowed in any of the bedrooms). my biggest worry is since she’s little and so furry she doesnt clean her little tush so well and she could be trailing around toxoplasmosis around the house. This cat also happens to be a snuggle hug and is happiest sitting on your shoulders! I cannot tell you how many times i wash my hands and i have been steam mopping the hardwood floors 1-2x a day (unfortunately I️ can’t do that to carpets or couch) and have been Lysol the furniture when she’s locked away for the night.

I’ve read that if I️ become infected this late in the pregnancy the baby has a 60-80% chance of being infected but the risks may show up late in life - which has me so freaked out. I left a message for my OB asking for her opinion and i have a vet appointment today but looking for stories from others.

I feel terrible returning the kitten (not even sure that’s an option) but my baby is my #1 priority. If you were in my shoes, what would you do?