

Hi again all (seem to post on here a lot lol!) so this is my first pregnancy, I’m 31, I have 3 sets of twins in my family including my grandad, my 1st cousins and my second cousins, my Hubby’s uncles are also twins.

Obviously I haven’t done this before so I don’t know if my symptoms are ‘normal’ or not, but I just have this overwhelming feeling that we’re having twins.

I was told by a physic about 7 years ago that I would have twin boys one day as well.

So with my symptoms, I am hungry ALL the time, like I cannot stop eating! I have already gained like 12lbs and I’m 9 weeks and 5 days! 😲

I not normally a ‘sicky’ person so I never get stomach bugs or sickness but I have been feeling very nauseous and have been sick twice in the last week in the evenings.

I’m already showing, my breasts are SO tender! And sometimes I can feel this weird fluttering in my tummy from time to time, it moves from one spot to another.

I have had a urinary tract infection that I have been taking antibiotics for, I have felt so tired, and my emotions are completely all over the place like one minute I’m crying because we ran out of butter and the next I’m in hysterics laughing!

Does anyone have any insight on symptoms like these so early and carrying twins?

My friends that have had children think it’s odd that I’m having so many symptoms so early!