Learn to be your own Advocate!


I hope my story helps/inspires someone out there. For as long as I can remember I have always had irregular periods. I'd go months without one and months with one. When I spoke to my PCP at the time, he brushed it aside and stated it was normal. Wearing a pad everday for months became my norm. I had to be hospitalized twice for severe anemia and given transfusions. Then my PCP put me on BC to help "regulate" my cycle. But being on BC was more like a temporary fix. If I missed a dose or skipped it, my cycle reverted back to the way it was. I had basically traded in pads for BC. Fastfoward to 10 years later when I met my then fiance. We talked about having children and a part of me knew that I would need some sort of assistance in conceiving. I spent weeks researching my condition and learnt about PCOS. I was convinced this was what I had. I made an appointment with an OBGYN who spent all of 10 minutes with me and decided that all i needed was Provera to restart my period, 50mg of clomid on days 3-8 and a day 21 progesterone blood work to see if I ovulated. He informed me that if I didn't ovulate then we would keep increasing the dose of clomid. 50mg didn't work for me so I started on a 100 which also didn't work, then onto 150mg. The day of my blood draw I got a positive OPK but my results came back negative. So I went on line to do more research,  and I found out that most women with PCOS ovulate later and so a 21 day blood draw would not be accurate. I tried to contact my OB but I could only get access to his nurse who basically told me that the goal of clomid was to make sure I ovulated at the appropriate time so there was no way after cd21 I could ovulated. I told her that I had a positive opk and after speaking to the doctor, she stated that they would try 150mg of clomid again. Before i started taking it, I went online to do more research.  And I found out that women with PCOS were having transvaginal ultrasounds, being monitored through out there cycle, having trigger shots etc. I reached out to my doctors office to see if they could provide these services and was told only a specialist could do so. Then I asked to be referred to a specialist and they declined stating I had to complete 6 cycles of clomid with them before I could be referred out. That was the last straw for me. I started looking around for fertility clinics with RE's that were within my network. As God would have it, there was one located within 15 mins of my house. I went in for a consult and when I tell you in the 30 minutes I spent with her, she accomplished more than what my OB did in 4 months. I had labs drawn, was started on letrozole 5mg, had an hsg, had follicule ultrasounds which showed I was responding to the 5mg of letrozole and she

increased my dose to 7.5mg within the same cycle. This is my first cycle with her and my husband and I just found out that we are expecting our first child!!! Moral of this long story: Learn to be your own advocate. Do you research. If you are not getting the support you deserve from your current provider, find another one. The end goal is to have a child and you deserve someone who wants that for you!