Will have baby soon

I’m due March 27 I went to labor and delivery twice sat 33 weeks I was in labor they stopped it and this week for two days I was in labor on February 23 and they said they will let it go naturally she wanted to come out I was 35 weeks 4 days next day from being 3-4 minutes apart of contractions they tell me it’s stable now no contractions she is basically 3 1/2 cm and 90% effaced she’s head down and engaged in my uterus and doctor was sure she was coming they let me go home. So when I got home said I can walk but in moderation I went to pee and have my mucous plug came out my doctor wants to c if I can make it to 36 weeks without no problem an take one of my preterm injections but she said she didn’t think I’ll make it till March and problem is I have history of preterm labor my first was born 30 weeks but came out 4 pounds 6 oz 19 inches long! My second is measuring at 5 pounds 10 oz in 97 percentile when I was 32 weeks with her so I’m thinking she’s either too big. I’m not sure! So I don’t know how long I’ll have walking around I’m super nervous now. I’m getting small cramping at home now but not as bad as the second time I was admitted so I’m not sure how long I have.