no CM 2 days before AF due


Hi guys, so it's the 2nd month off the pill . My first period after the withdrawal period (30 days) was intense, they weren't bad when I was on the pill. So I am assuming that was my proper period. From the prediction I ovu on the 16th and from about 5dpo I was experiencing slight pinches, sharp pain when I sneezed while laying on my back and goosebumpy prickly nipples but not sore. Cm had been white and creamy. I tested yesterday with a BFN so I think AF is on her way. However what I remember from AF before the pill is my boobs were always horrendous and so sore but they aren't at the moment. Just prickly. Also my CM has completely dried up, AF is due in two days. Also having very sharp pinching pains in left lower stomach. Not really bad but noticeable. What do you think????