Sick baby ... please read!


Last night my little boy got sick. He woke up thinking it was morning at about 4 am (he does this sometimes). I entertained him while trying to put him back to sleep. He spat up a lot like twice as much as normal. But he wasn’t bothered by it at all, no crying or anything. So I put him to bed and he did the same thing in his sleep twice! But again didn’t care at all, if I hadn’t picked him up to make sure he was okay he would have kept sleeping. I was so nervous I stayed up and watched him sleep for the rest of the night bc I didn’t want him to choke. Now this morning he’s very fussy and VERY sleepy. He’s spat up - or thrown up (idk the difference) one other time but not as much.

I already called the doctor and am waiting for a call back. But I’m on vacation and am freaking out bc we’re so far from his DR. .....also I drank half a beer last night and I bf him. Thats the first time I had alcohol since having him.