Stretch Marks Constantly Itch and Stretch 🙁

Jeannie • | 27, PR 🇵🇷 | | A Mommy to a baby boy 🍼 💙|

Hey everyone! I have a question for those who has gotten rid or helped diminish the appearance of their stretch marks during pregnancy and afterwards. So let me give a quick breakdown!

This was my first baby and pregnancy. And I honestly didn’t start showing a bump until my 3rd trimester. ( It was a boy! 💙)

It’s funny because I was afraid of stretch marks. I didn’t get any until I was 30+ weeks.

Now mind you, I gave birth in September of 2017.

It’s frustrating because i’m gaining weight on and off. But my stretch marks continue to grow, stretch and itch.

I tried coco butter and vitamin E and it’s failed me.

Anyone has any suggestions with a product or home remedy? I’m open to anything at this point.

I’m going to post what my stretch marks look like. I’m sorry if it’s uncomfortable to look at.