I got a positive pregnancy test!!! NOW WHAT?!?!?

OMG ladies!!! This entire week I have been so anxiously awaiting testing so I took a test on Sunday and it came out negative even though I knew it might’ve been too soon since it was 6 days before my expected period. It was disappointing but I took everyone’s advice on here to wait a little longer to test. Something in me just felt like I was pregnant. I didn’t have any signs or symptoms but I was just was so optimistic. Well I left the gym this morning and said you know what my period should be here today or tomorrow and it hasn’t arrived yet, I don’t care, IM TESTING AGAIN today! This is what happened!!!! 😍😍😍

Okay so I’m a first timer! And this happened extremely fast. The hubby and I only had sex maybe 5 times in the past month (he is a truck driver so he is gone Monday-Friday so I expected this to take months) and it was our first month TTC and even our first time having sex without protection. I’m pretty clueless what to do now?

What are my next steps?!?!? 😀