When did you/ are you planning to tell your family?


I’m 8 weeks 1 day today, my husband and I are the only ones that know. Our plan was to wait until 12 weeks to tell any family but the excitement and stress of hiding it is getting to us.

When did you tell close family and why?

One of the reasons I’m hesitant to tell is that once we make it public its becomes everyone’s business. It’s no longer just me, hubby and baby. It’s now grandparents and uncles and aunts baby too. Also, I feel like holding off will make the pregnancy seem faster. If nobody knows until I’m 3 months then we are already 1/3 of the way there when it become common knowledge.

However I don’t want my mom or my husbands mom being upset that we hid it that long. And if something were to happen and I miscarry I don’t want that to be the first anyone hears of my pregnancy.


Thanks in advance ladies ❤️