VBAC nervousness! stories and encouragement welcome!


hi all!

I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my third. my.first was born vaginally at 41 weeks, second was c section at 40+2. I labored for about 8 hours where in they found meconium once the waters broke. fetal distress followed and we opted for an emergency c. the epidural wasn't fully in so I felt a lot of the section. it was really traumatic experience. I was screaming in agony the whole time, had to be put under as soon as my son was out, he was rushed to NICU not breathing, no skin to skin contact. horrible.

anyways, since getting pregnant with my third I've known I wanted a VBAC. my OBGYN and hospital are VBAC friendly. but I'm now starting to get so nervous. I understand the risk factors (about 1 in 500 of uterine rupture) which isn't the same as maternal or fetal death by any means. And to be honest I'm more worried I will go through the whole labor process and still end up having a section. I'm starting to doubt my decision, wondering if I should just schedule the section. in my heart, that's not what I want.

If anyone has any advice (books, websites, blogs, local support groups in NYC) I'd love to hear any suggestions. Also, I'd love to hear success stories!

Thank you so much!