#clubfootjourney | back in a cast 😔

Trista • mama to ry (11yo), jesse (jan 2017) & annie kate (feb 2018) | bonus mama to madi (11yo) and peyton (7yo) | married to my knight in shining Kevlar | LEOW camping mountains dogs and ducks 😊

Well as we figured, our 13mo old needed to have his right foot recasted due to relapse. Thankfully, his left foot looks great. He'll have this on for two weeks, then maybe another cast. The plan is to hopefully avoid another lengthening surgery or a tendon transfer surgery. He hasn't let the cast slow him down any and he still tries to stand with it on. I am worried about the integrity of the heel bc he keeps slamming it on the ground, so it's not as hard as the rest of the plaster like it was when we first got it on yesterday.