I’m scared...


Hi guys. So I’ve been on the pill for almost a year now. I take it regularly and don’t really miss pills. If I do I usually take it within two hours or the next morning when I remember. I’m on junnel fe (28 pack) and everything I’ve read said I should still be covered. Well this month I’m on my last two days of the sugar pills and I haven’t gotten my period yet. I’m honestly freaking out right now. My fiancé and I have sex often, not always with a condom, but he always pulls out. The last sex we had was after my last period. My periods used to be super heavy and irregular before bc but now they are pretty regular and really light. Like mostly always just brown for three days. I’ve read that my birth control is known to make people skip periods but I’m still so scared. Is there a possibility I could be pregnant? I’m so scared to take a test.

Please no negative worded/hateful comments, my nerves can’t take them.

Plz help me