Anti D sensitized 2nd pregnancy


Any doctors/nurses/medical experts that can help me with some questions?

I am rH sensitized, my blood type is A -

My boyfriends blood type is A+

I lost my first son at 35 weeks due to being sensitized (my body creates antibodies against his blood because they are different and tries to fight them off,

my body won.)

My titer levels started at 4 in that pregnancy and slowly rose.

Now I am pregnant again, 9 weeks exactly.

My titer levels are 256.

I don’t know what this means for my baby and I this time around. How early we can get blood transfusions? Obviously since I cannot get the rhogam shot I just have to be monitored closely. But with them starting so high I’m terrified they won’t catch the problems again before my body potentially kills them.

Any answers would be helpful, thanks.