Nursing to sleep and sleeping early


I have Two questions

1. Is it absolutely necessary I stop missing my baby to sleep at night? And dream feeds?

2. Should I insist on an early bedtime

Basically everyone is telling me I have to do the above or I’ll regret it later. I nurse my boy to sleep I’ve tried so many other methods but he gets so so upset and we have such restless nights. If I nurse him he goes down for almost 5-6 hours wakes for a dream feed and goes back down. Goes to sleep happy and wakes happy.

Also everyone says I should put him to bed by 7pm latest. I tried for a week and it ended up in hours of trying to force him to sleep. At the moment he is like a switch at 11 pm he is out for the night so I have just been doing his bed time routine closer to when I know he will go down for the night.

Should I keep doing what I’m doing until he is ready to do it himself or am I setting up him and myself for disaster later? He is five months today