Losing hope..

Katie • 👑Girl Mom👑 5.1.13❤️ TTC #2💞 Living with HS and dealing with fertility issues 💔

Hey everyone, just needed somewhere to put my feelings. Been TTC for about 6mo now, the month we decided to start trying, my cycle went nuts and hasn’t fixed itself since. I’m talking 24-60 Day cycles varying. I’m currently 1wk late with 5 negative tests throughout. My fiancé is always “too tired” or doesn’t feel good or whatever lately, I love that he works hard for our family, but I need some love too especially when trying for #2. Our daughter will be 5 in less than 2mo so I’m getting really antsy about another kiddo so they aren’t TOO far apart in age. Idk, I just feel like crap that this isn’t happening. 😕