
Back in July 2017 i was diagnosed with endometriosis. I’ve always had really painful irregular periods so i did some research and found Vitex. I know you’re supposed to talk to a dr before you take it but i was desperate. I hadn’t had a period since November and it was fixing to be February. I started taking it February second and on February 6th i got my period. It sucked but i think it was because it had been so long that’s normally what happens when my period waits months at a time. Anyway, it’s March 6th now and i haven’t even had a cramp or anything.

Was wondering if it’s possible i could be pregnant or is it still too early? Me and my SO had sex February 16-19 and according to my chart i was ovulating but i didn’t have an ovulation test or anything to actually prove it. Should i wait a bit longer and see if it comes or should i buy a test? According to glow I’m two days late. I still take my vitex twice daily.