Hitting the pause button

So I had my surgery in December after 6 months of ttc and was told the good news that I only have stage I and my tubes are squeaky clean. Unfortunately, the surgery did not help my cycle symptoms at all (I got ablation surgery despite everyone here recommending excision)!

It’s less than 12 months (going on 9 months) of ttc but I know endo just gets worse over time, so I had my husband get checked last week. We have no idea what his results are, but his doctor said he’d schedule him for an appointment if something was abnormal. Sadly, he got the phone call. His appointment is at the end of the month.

Considering how I wind up with full blown panic attacks due to the physical and emotional pain each month, I am gonna resume continuous birth control until we know what his diagnosis is and has been treated. I’m really hoping he’s ok:( I’m really nervous.

In the meantime, knowing that we are not pursuing this for a few months has been so relieving! Trying to conceive has been so stressful and depressing it has affected my memory and higher level thinking skills severely. At least for now I will spend time studying and working instead of googling every symptom. It’s been nice actually... I even picked up my old instrument:)

Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope my husband is ok 🤞🏼