Please don’t be mean

I was in an abusive relationship before. That was clear abuse to me. Well last night (new relationship) my SO was irritable over everything and previously in the day I asked for space and he refused so when he asked I joking licked his lips when he leaned in to kiss me and his reaction was to hit me in the throat and storm off. He said that was the straw that broke the camels back.

Little back story when he got home from work I asked him to clean the litter box because the smell was getting to me and I’m pregnant and don’t clean it. I also asked him to take out the trash. That was around 4pm. Well he stayed on his phone the whole time he was home until dinner. (About 6:30-7:00pm) I asked if he could clean up after dinner since I didn’t feel well. Around rolls 8:30ish and I’m irritated that he still is sitting on his phone and hasn’t done anything I asked of him so I just do it myself and I’m pissed. That’s when I needed space but instead he was poking at me and purposely irritating me. So later he’s still in his funk mood that he come home with and when I told him he was being mean to the kids he started yelling at me and said he needed space and tried leaving the bathroom and I started laughing and so did he. Then I said give me a kiss and I’ll let you leave (I wasn’t blocking him in I had my hand playfully placed on the door) he kissed me and I jokingly licked his lips as we do this to each other to be silly. That’s when he hit my throat and I immediately coughed and started crying and he said “you just don’t know when to stop do you?”

Is... is that okay? Should I do something about it? Say anything? It’s the first time he’s laid hands on me. Do I have a right to be scared? Even though I, in his words, “wouldn’t let him leave” ?

He called today from work asking if I had anything to be sorry about... why should I be sorry?