Is this abusive?

My boyfriend and I haven’t been together very long, only 7 months but due to problems with my family I have been living with him since a couple of days before we started dating.

When we first started dating, he was ok with me hanging out with my male friends (2 of whom I had gotten very close to during summer). I never had any intention to cheat on him. These boys were my friends, and only my friends.

One night, I wanted to go hang out with my friend Dylan. He has a problem with him because he thinks that Dylan flirts with me and that every male that I’m friends with just wants to her with me and not be my friend.

Mind you, I wasn’t with Dylan alone. I was going with him, and my female friend Sara so that it wouldn’t look bad on my part that I was hanging out with a male by myself. So when I told him I was going, he put on his clothes and was trying to fight Dylan. This was back in October so we had only been together 2 months.

Anyway, I got him to calm down and ended up being able to leave without anyone fighting. When I first left, he was texting me asking when I would be home. I gave him a time and didn’t text him afterwards because I was upset with the way he was acting.

About an hour later he texted Dylan and told him not to bring me back because he was “Giving me back to the hood” 😂😂 It still makes me laugh to this day. So I told Dylan just to drop me off and that he was probably just mad. I was going to talk to him and calm him down, but when I got home, he was on the phone with his baby mama and he told me he wanted to be with her. Long story short, his baby mama ended up coming to his house because she heard us arguing on the phone and I ended up fighting her. 2 days later, he called me crying telling me how much he loved me and that he let his pride get the best of him. Despite how hurt I was about the whole situation, I forgave him and we moved back in together. I deleted my best male friends off of everything. Snapchat, instagram, facebook, and even changed my phone number just so that we would stay together. We had been doing pretty good, up until a few weeks ago.

One of my best friends is an MMA fighter and I wanted to go to her fights a few weeks ago. My boyfriend had left the house because we were fighting and he didn’t tell me where he was going or when he would be back. He also broke his phone so I had no way of contacting him. I decided I wanted to go to the MMA fights so I left around 5 pm (after he had been gone for 3 hours already.) and I got a phone call. He was calling me from his moms house. I answered and he asked me where I was. I told him I was at the fights (which he knew I wanted to go to, I was begging him for weeks to go with me) and right away he started calling me all sorts of bitches and hoes. He said “You’re such a fucking bitch, Idont know how I could ever think that I could turn a hoe like you into a wife. You can stay at the fights and drool over all of those MMA fighters, I know that’s why you went. I’m done with you.” Right after I got that call, I left the fights (despite already paying $20 for a ticket and not even getting to see one fight). He apologized when I got home and told me he was just mad and didn’t mean what he said. However, I’m getting kind of tired of the way he talks to me however he wants. Is this an abusive relationship? I love him so much, I just don’t know what to do.