velamentous and marginal cord insertion in twins..

Alicia • mommy to 3 beautiful girls 💜❤💗

So we had our 16 week ultrasound today at 16wks and 5 days for our di/di twins ❤ Everything looked wonderful and we found out we are team girl 💕💕 both girls were very active and both were measuring big at a few days over 17 weeks. However we also discovered today that both of our girls have cord insertion issues. Baby A has a marginal cord insertion which the doctor wasn't overly concerned about, she is the bigger twin, they just want to watch her growth. Now Baby B has a velamentous cord insertion which my doctor wants to monitor closely as it can restrict growth, and also come detached with too much tension in the cord. This has me freaking out, he says not to worry that he has never seen a baby die from this condition but still it's hard to deal with. I will now be going for a high level ultrasound and depending to that my doctor may have me switch to a maternal fetal medicine doctor. He said basically that as long as growth is good that my pregnancy should progress as normal but the babies would be at risk with a vaginal delivery. I was so hoping to give birth naturally like I did with my first but with this news and the added risk I think we are just going to schedule a c section to reduce the chance of the cord becoming detached during labor and delivery. Just wondering if any other moms have experience with either marginal or velamentous cord insertion and could offer any kind of wisdom or anything to ease my mind? At the moment I'm just ecstatic that both girls are healthy but can't help but fear all the unknown.