heart break

Hi, um I'm 18 years old and I just got my first heart brake with my first boyfriend. He was and still is in a way my everything ig..... he was my best friend first then on June 6th of 2016 we got together I fell for him before this though. we just clicked. but not to long ago the day after Thanksgiving we broke up he told me he was feeling different he was going through some stuff and then he also told me he didn't love me anymore and he needed time ... that we should just be friends again I cried so hard I felt everything in me brake he was my all or nothing my safe place my heart .....now I can't even feel my heart beat he took it with him ...the next month he told me he was getting his phone taken away and he couldn't text me ....but it was a lie he said he wanted me to move on but I can't and I couldn't bcuz I still love him and I told him that and that he shouldn't try to make me move on bcuz I can't be with anyone else after him then I found out that his friend who was like his brother had feelings for me the whole time me and him were together and that he told him that we should take a brake and try it again in the future or whatever and I feel like he was one of the reasons why we broke up but I wouldn't give him a chance ...then just recently he stopped texting me and I realized I was the only person in the conversation who texted first and I double texted I triple texted and everything but he didn't put as much effort into texting me anymore I stopped texting him and it's been almost a week sense we last spoken to each other and I'm supposed to go to the state he's in to visit him for the first... time this was a surprise for him but I was doing it to celebrate my birthday ...I wanted to finally meet the person who cared about me and loved me even though we couldn't be next to each other but I never felt alone even though it was long distance he has seen me in weakest state and I've seen him at his we laughed and cried together I saw my future with him and not to mention the month after he broke up with me and pretended he couldn't talk to me I texted him everyday I told him goodnight and good morning even thought I knew I wouldn't get a response bcuz I was used to texting him and calling him everyday prayed for him everyday and night no nd I still do I wanna talk to him but I feel so stupid putting so much into it but he isn't and I'm still in love with him and I cry every night bcuz after he broke up with me everything started going wrong with school and friends cutting me off finding out my grandpa isn't going to live much longer and now with my arm being messed up and me possibly needing surgery and my job I'm probably going to lose bcuz now that I'm injured and can't work like I used to I can't come in they won't allow it ....this boy was my safe place he was there when no one else was and when my family couldn't give 2 shits about me he was there making me laugh through the years and smile through the pain I lost my other half when I lost him an idk what to do I feel like giving up everyday I just want him back forever didn't last as long as I thought and I can't deal with this pain it's been 3 months and I just want this to go away what do I do somebody help me please