Love my brother and my boyfriend


Yesterday, I was crying during sixth period and seven period, and after school, my brother knew what happened to me, he was hugging me and comforting me, when he saw my boyfriend (they were best friend before me and him start dating) he gave me to him and my boyfriend comforted me too, and o told him that he should go to the practice so he wont be late then he says “babe, I’m not leaving your side, you are important to me more than the practice, you needed me, and I want to make sure that your alright.” I was in tears and my brother smiles and told my bf Martin to go and he will stay by my side to make sure that im okay. After I felt better, i went inside for the practice and Martin winks at me and I smiles. After the practice was over, he hugged me from the behind and he gave me a kisses and he always make sure if I’m okay. He’s already part of my family bc my parent like him even my grandparent too