Brother in law just got married

Carlyyy • Wife. Mom. Coffee lover. Chaos.

So here is the deal. My husband and BIL are pretty close. Within the year he’s got with this girl that is extremely controlling. About 5 months ago she got pregnant. So that’s all happy and what not. He proposed to her at the gender reveal. Which was cute and all. Pause- my husband and I live about 2 hours from that part of the family so we need a notice when things are happening. His brother did call him about the pregnancy but we didn’t know about the proposal or gender reveal until a few days ahead of time. My husband works 60 hour weeks sometimes we need a little notice obviously. But we congratulated them on the engagement. We didn’t know about a wedding date and then all of a sudden last Tuesday there is an event invite from his fiancé saying they are getting married in 3 days. Wtf?! We feel like we are kinda left in the cold for no reason. So obviously we couldn’t make it and my husband feels like he missed one of his brothers biggest days. He also tried multiple times to call before and my BIL didn’t answer. But after the fact he texted me and said sorry I’ve been really busy after I told him congrats and expressed regret for us not being able to go. If we would have even known a week ahead a time we could have made arrangements.

Would you be upset? I feel bad for my husband because I know he’s hurt.