

I will be 11 weeks in 2 days, and my next appointment to hear the heartbeat and get measurements is on Monday. A week ago I saw a very faint, light pink, spot of blood on the toilet paper. I chalked it up to me, helping move a couch and a table from one end of the room to the other. Then, 2 days later, the same thing. I called the dr and they said it was normal. Then nothing for 2 days, then again tonight I saw it again. His time a little more. More as in, I see the light pink every time I wipe, and I even saw a little tiny smudge in my underwear. No cramping at any point, except yesterday I had one sided cramping. Nothing terrible, just uncomfortable, but no spotting yesterday.

Am I being paranoid? Is this kind of spotting normal? Should I call the doctor back or just stick it out until Monday?