Cycle Buddy? AF due on the 19th

Victoria • 34, married 6+ years, 2 year old daughter

Praying for our BFP. I got off of BC in September. Our sex life is very sporadic and I didn’t really understand the whole ovulation thing for the first two months of TTC. I also was traveling a lot for work which kept me away for 3-5 days at a time. I would say January was our first official solid effort to TTC. I used preseed and got a peak solid smiley face w/the ovulation test. 😞 BFN. A similar situation happened in February. I am 31, with a mother that started going through the change at 37. I am also plus size (270ish). I am otherwise in good health. Just did another blood work up and everything came back great. My doctor recently put me on a low dosage of Metformin to ensure I am ovulating. I am hoping all of these steps we’re taking will get us our BFP we desire. I have been married for 4 years.

Looking for a cycle buddy around the same time to hopefully celebrate and/or encourage whether we get our BFP or BFN.