2 sides


Ladies please remember there are always 2 sides to a story. I see a lot of stories on here about how horrible the husband/bf is and I see so many jump on the train to bash them. Not with every case of course but some of the time the woman isn't saying what they do or what part they play in the situation. Prime example. My friend for 2 years would tell me how her husband would come home and go off on her yelling and calling her a whore and how he was always calling her stupid. I had never met him. But when I did and I was with both of them together the truth would come out. Such as the times he would call her a whore she would come home and call him a loser for playing video games and she would push his buttons and call him ugly and say he was weak. Even hit him. And then all the other stuff he was doing was in retaliation to what she would say / do to him. Like the time she told me he broke her new lap top. She didnt tell me she had punched him in the face and verbally and physically attacked him before he did that. This all only came out when all three of us were together. She even would laugh about it when he told me. I felt horrible that I had been telling her for almost 2 years what a shitty person he was and she could do better. Just remember this when you react to people's stories. There is always more to it. No one ever wants to tell the part they play. Again I'm not saying this is everyone's case! There are plenty of situation