Strict Christian Parents

Anyone else have strict parents? I’m not sopposed to have sex till I’m married & that is expected of me till then. Im not allowed to go over my bfs house because sex will most likely happen, is what they say. I can’t get on birth control because I most likely want to use it with my bf to not get pregnant (which they are not wrong). Therefore no birth control because that means I’m sexuallly active before marriage. I’m 20 soon to be 21, but this really frustrates me sometimes, I hate seeing my friends go to their mans house like nothing & im over here going to my bfs house secretly. I wish I could do it without feeling guilty. My mom told me that if she found out I was at my bfs house or ethier having sex, shes kicking me out & they are done supporting me. Same if I get pregnant, they will kick me out.... Speaking to them “adult to adult” won’t do anything because they are Christians & my mother is very stubborn & old fashioned.. any advise ?

Bear in mind, I’m Hispanic, if you’re Hispanic too you know where I’m coming from