LDR BF (ex and friendship?)


So me and my boyfriend broke up a couple of days ago. He says he can’t do commitment as he just doesn’t have time because of work. We were together 6months and it was a friendly split, I wasn’t going to argue but he knows how much I love him and I know he still has some feelings for me but maybe not romantic ones anymore, I’m just not sure as he did tell me he has a soft spot for another woman (10 years older and he’s being there for her through a rough time, he’s also going through a lot himself)

(In the 6months we were together we’d only seen eachother a couple of times (I have stayed over etc) and everything seemed okay, I know I’m a bit over the top with my love and knew he didn’t like and promised I’d step back from it.)

Anyway, I haven’t spoken to him since Thursday as although we said we’d keep speaking I had to tell him I’d take a step back as it’s just going to upset me more, and I’m really hurting, I’m really missing my best friend and all I want to do is talk to him, obviously I know he thinks I’ll coming running back to him but I don’t want to be the first to text.

Tbh I don’t know what else to say , I really want him back and I don’t know what to do, I want to be there for him when he’s going through a hard time but obviously I’m still madly in love with him. We said we’d speak again next Wednesday (we normally call that day) but I’m not sure if that’ll happen and if he’ll call me or not.

I’d love to see him and also need to pick a pair of shoes up from his place too. I’m just in a bit of a confused state on how I should be going about this.

In my mind I’m tricking myself into thinking we’re going to get back together but I just don’t know if that’ll ever be the case. And then I’m not sure if I should stick around as friends? We live 2hrs away from eachother so we’d never run into eachother etc

I’m sorry for this rambling post that probably makes no sense but emotions are high and I have no else anymore