hello everyone i need some help im trying to do some research but unsure about some things. So basically my husband & I OWN our mobile trailor home. we live in the property of mobile homes. the park manager is such a bitch most of the times. for every little thing he doesn't like he complains. First when we moved in he complained about our property not being cleaned which of course not we barley got there! he then saw my dog not on a leash and said if she is not on a leash again we won't be able to have dogs anymore. we now always put her on a leash. she doesn't bite nor do anything. anyways, then he sent out a letter to everyone in the park stating we cannot park on grass/ have cars parked on the street unless 2 wheels are,on the road n the other 2 on the grass & if we do it will be towed away. now he also sent us a letter,about,2 weeks ago with warnings to everyone saying if we do not pressure wash / PAINT out mobile home,we,will get an eviction notice. we just spent about $400! also we have,so many fleas AROUND THE mobile home its,from the land! i want to tell him to do something about it since hes the PARK MANAGER. but i heard heard even if we,tell him he won't do anything. he doesnt want to do anything but expects us to do everything he says unless we want to get evicted??? is he able to force us to do things like this? is he able to evict us? & what if he doesnt want to do anything about the fleas? they are getting inside my home! :/