Peace & Life After Miscarriage

Caitlin • Caitlin Rose

My fiance and I have been TTC for 9 months. I found out I was pregnant in Feb, told entire family (10 kids- nephews ages 5-18) 12 adults- brothers/sisters/mom/dad, etc.). I miscarried Feb 20th and I was hysterical and just heartbroken that first few days and then was able to break free from the pain by surrounding myself with people the next few days. Depression sunk in and I started talking about everything I was feeling. A few days ago, my father and I had a talk about the miscarriage. My question to him was "when does the soul enter the embryo/fetus/baby?". His answer was he believed that we are all created from and with energy and that he didn't see the miscarriage as a loss but more of a transfer of energy. I thought about it for a minute and I realized that my babies energy isn't gone- its just that the energy left my body and went somewhere else in the universe. I thought of all the amazing places that could be- like maybe to someone on their last breath who wasn't quite done living- or maybe the energy stuck around to help us heal or be blessed with another chance.

For some reason after this, I found peace and am able to smile & laugh again and we are going to keep trying.

I know this won't be for everyone but if it brings you peace, go with it.

Love and blessings to everyone who has had a miscarriage. I hope you have peace soon:)