still into my ex

I dated this one guy for around 1 year about 3 or 4 years ago. I was really into him at the time, but eventually had to leave because as soon as we were officially a 'thing' he didn't know how to act around me anymore and treated me like I was almost a stranger. noted, we were both pretty young; he hadn't really grown up yet and probably wasn't ready for any sort of relationship even though he did want to be with me. fast forward to 2 years ago, when I got with my current boyfriend. he's amazing to me, and always has been. although he doesn't get along with a few of my friends very well, there are really no problems with the relationship. I wouldn't say I'm tired of him, I definitely would be happy to stay with him and I think I can see a real future with him. the problem is that a few months ago, my ex and I became friends again. we see each other somewhat often, do things with our friend group, all that. but the better friends we become, the more I feel those old feelings starting to come back. I can tell since we were first together he has matured a lot. to this day, i have feelings for him even though I know I should stay with my current boyfriend. I don't want to just not be friends with him.. I can't avoid being around him or seeing him at this point. he's on my mind 24/7, I have dreams about being with him, and it seems that my brain just won't let go of this guy. i feel guilty for even feeling this way because I know I shouldnt. is there any way I can move on without cutting him out of my life?