Pinkish stringy CM day Period is due??


Hi ladies, I’m fairly new to these forums, but so far I am loving how wonderful and supportive most of you are! It definitely helps! Here’s my recent story...I’m CD 40 (period is due today) starting Friday afternoon, I’ve been getting faint positives on Clearblue plus tests (I know, blue dye isn’t the best when testing early, but hubby got them..he saw a $3 off coupon and got excited so he grabbed them lol) anyhow..Friday, Saturday, Sunday and this morning, the lines have gotten progressively darker so I’m not sure if I want to consider them evaps..but instead of getting my period today, I just had a tiny bit of pinkish stringy looking spotting this afternoon ..I have a picture if it’ll help..I haven’t had any of my usual PMS symptoms, like bad cramping the day before and leading to AF’s boobs are mildy sore/tender but the usual KILL when I’m getting my period..I had a positive opk on February 26th. Has anyone had a similar experience and gotten their true bfp?? I’m desperate for hope!