Say something to friends?

Allison 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻🌈👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

I have two former coworkers who are now friends. We socialize together several times a year; I’ve been invited to their weddings and birthday parties over the years. We usually congregate at one friends house who has a nice hosting set up.

A little over a year ago we were all ttc together. I got pregnant first but miscarried in March. I didn’t tell my friends at the time. But in June the first friend announced she was pregnant. I was congratulatory and nice, but later sent her and the other friend an email about my miscarriage to let them know it would be hard to hear a lot of baby things. They were nice about it by email. The second friend announced she was pregnant in August. I was congratulatory via text and sent a gift.

I have not otherwise heard from either of these girls since June. We usually get together for a birthday in November and for Christmas or NYE. I didn’t get an invite but I think the party still happened.

I didn’t want to get daily belly pics, but I feel like I’ve been ousted from the friend group because I’m not pregnant. If I give them the benefit of the doubt I’d say they aren’t inviting me out because they don’t want me to be upset. But it has really hurt my feelings. I wasn’t invited to the second friends shower this month, and the first friend didn’t send me a birth announcement.

Am I being overly sensitive? How do I tell them I’m upset without upsetting them? I’ve also had a second loss since we were last together and I feel like I wanna tell them if we do hang out because it’s made me super depressed. But I also don’t want to bum them out and make hanging out weird. Advice?