Sick baby, sick family 😔


We’re hurting over here guys. We all have the Flu B. It started with my younger brother, then father, mother, me + hubs, and now my poor little man.

His doctor prescribed tamiflu for him. 3mg twice daily. Today is the first day he’s really acted sick. He’s miserable. He’s so congested and I feel awful for him. He’s having a hard time eating, can’t lay on his back at all, constant snuffling, and so worn out, but can’t sleep because of his breathing for more than 30 minutes at a time.

We’ve been cuddling all day (because a sick boy needs his mumma) and now it’s 5am and he won’t be anywhere else, but my chest. Honestly, I’m afraid to put him down because he’s been hitching his breathing and it’s scaring the life out of me.

But I’m sick too, and I’m so tired.

And I’m so so scared I’m going to fall asleep here in this bed with him on my chest next to my ever adjusting husband.

But I can’t put him down, simply because there’s nowhere else he can be comfortably and still breathe. I’m at a loss here. I’ve been trying to keep myself up for hours and just don’t know what else to do.

I’m so glad he’s sleeping now (on my chest) for nearly an hour, because he needs to rest to fight this off.

What do you do when your littles are sick and only want you and you alone?

He’s 2 1/2 months old now.

The two of us yesterday morning (my face is half swollen on the left side for some reason, excuse my hot mess)

The two of us now

My poor boy 💙