Please is long...but I need advice/closure


Hi, please read to the end I know it’s a long story but I will try and cur it short I just need someone that maybe has been here before to offer me some advice, as I’m so confused!

So basically I found out I was pregnant on 21st January I did a clear blue test and was positive said 2-3 weeks, did another one a few days later which said the same.

We went to the 12 weeks scan on Wednesday, and expecting to see our little peanut in there, she could. See anything on the US, so she did an internal, she questioned if I had my dates wrong and if I could be earlier? I said well from the date we did the test and my last period no.

We were then ushered into another room, and told that we needed to go to hospital to see a specialist.

Confused we went straight there and spoke to a nurse. She also questioned the dates, and said that her ‘gut’ feeling is that the baby stopped developing at 5 weeks, But I haven’t had any cramping or bleeding, and I find it very hard to believe that the sac just sat there for a further 7 weeks and didn’t collapse or, dissolve or pass or anything and me not have any symptoms other then normal pregnancy symptoms which I have been experiencing over the last 6-8 weeks.

So she said she wanted to monitor my hormone levels, so she sent me for blood tests and later that day she called and said that my hormone levels around that of a women that was 5 weeks pregnant which would match the size of the sac in the scan.

Now this confused me so much, could it mean that I fell pregnant in December/January and lost it early on not knowingly then fell pregnant again 5 weeks ago and this is is a 2nd pregnancy?

She asked me to come for more blood tests today which I have been for and will be getting a call back this afternoon with the results.

Last night I had cramping and mild bleeding, it was red and looked like a fresh period but no clots or swarm blood and very light and has stopped today.

Did I miss carry?

I’m so confused!

Has anyone been in a similar situation?
