Is my baby in danger?


My 7 month old has trouble with sleep (he sleeps less than half the time he's supposed to) so my husband and I are very tired and stressed.... the problem is my husband keeps putting big bulky blankets in the crib with baby... I keep telling him what a safety concern that is and how it could harm baby especially because he also restricts his arms by tucking blanket around his arms and baby kicks and moves around a lot... there are many times I find baby with blanket covering his face... my husband is making me feel like I'm overreacting... am I? baby can roll both directions but when arms are restricted I feel like he can't help himself and its getting hot here and sometimes baby overheats. I don't want to start fights with my husband but this is really bothering me... should I let it go? I think my husband is so motivated to do it because it's almost like a swaddle So It puts baby asleep fast and helps him stay asleep.... we already use a sleep sack but he does this when sleep sack isn't around or dirty etc.... What do you think? Overeacting? If it is a problem and I'm not overreacting any advice on how to get through to my husband?