Is naming a child a word from another language good or bad?

Bre • 22, FSU alumni, little confused but getting through it 🐳🍃🌊🏝💚🖤
I write short stories a lot in my free time, normally sci fi and fantasy based. often I find myself in need of character names that are more unique than english names, so when I'm in a pinch I think of nouns or adjective that discribe the character and look up those words in other languages to be their name. 
I've found some translated words that are really beautiful and that I honestly wouldn't be opposed to being named or naming a child. I should add that while I speak other languages, some words are from languages I don't know. 
I don't have children, so I was wondering if this is a method that people use to name children?
Do you agree with it as a method? Why/why not?