rude people

I am so frustrated with rude people...I am 16 wks pregnant and fiance and I went out Saturday for a bit. we are at the casino for dinner and a show...he stops at a penny machine for a couple mins...I sit at the machine next to is there. lady comes up a couple mins later and asks if I am using the machine...I say no..she asks to use it...ok you can use another machine I am thinking but don't say it I just get up...she then literally shoves her way partly in and tells me to get my fat ass out of her way...I tell her no need for that once again..I gave up a seat when I don't have to..I tell I'm pregnant and please move to let me out...she shoves the seat into my stomach...I go into angry mama mode and tell her to stop being so fucking rude and that she just shoved that into my baby...she tells me to fuck off and get off my pregnancy hormone bitchichiness...we go to walk away she starts verbally getting finance fiance took her money as she was trying to put it into the machine and gave it to her but basically saying get away..she grabbed him...we decided to leave the area and she chased us threatening security....bc a pregnant woman have her seat up for her and you shoved a chair into her and would not let her out.... seriously we did not let it ruin our night but this is why I hate going out...How do you threaten a pregnant woman that gave up her seat and she said I should not be a mother etc...