Drama Mamma

How to start this? Long story Warning!

Backstory first so this makes sense?

- My fiancee was in a bad place, party boy, etc from a small small town. Sorta had a party girlfriend (didn't actually spend any time together or try to get to know each other. Just partied) Anyways. They slept together, she ended up getting pregnant (they didn't know) He left for a week for work. Came back home to find out she moved her old baby daddy back in and they broke up.

He stopped talking and he ended up out in the state I live in for a friends wedding. Our friends introduced us and we clicked. (This is in October) We talk every day and some how I end up digitally meeting his friends and family. His town starts talking about how their Mr. Fix It is in love (seriously, these people need anything they turn to him. Also I know this because his brother told me the gas station lady said he was in love with me. Weird moment since we hadnt said anything to eachother yet...) November we start dating. Out of no where he gets a facebook message from his ex saying she had no way to contact him and that he's a dad! (message was full of backwards almost emotionally abusive statements) He calls me and I ask if he would rather be with her, no hard feelings I understand wanting to make a complete family. (didnt know she still was with baby daddy 1) he says no that he wants to be with me. Asks if that's what I want to. I say yes. And that I love him, he says it back yay happy!

Okay. Sorry for the long story. We will be married in August and his little girl will be 2 in October. I have not been allowed to meet her because I am "just a fling" and "have no right to be a part of her life" He has only been allowed to see her 4 times in the last 2 year. (one of those being this year) He was allowed to see her in the beginning until the mamma tried to sleep with him and he said no. No we get things like "she's to sick" or "I just got home hold on" and then we here from her MONTHS later.

I'm really not sure what to do with her. Ive met the mamma and she doesn't like me. She brags about being the baby mamma and she's a party girl that's never with her kids. Her eldest is 5 and not potty trained. His baby barely talks and has messed up hips from walking to early. The kids are terrified of people and hide whenever someone comes over. (half of this I know from what she posts and what her baby daddy 1 fights with her about on fb)

Any advice? Please!!!

**Update** Just found out she's going to Hawaii for a week. Although apparently Cant pay bills...