Nervous about sharing the news! Baby due 11-19-18!


Hubby and I have been together for over 11 years. Married for just over 3 of those. We did everything so slow! We decided in January we would start TTC. After talking to friends and reading posts on here I was prepared to wait many months for our BFP. We didn’t have to. It took 2 cycles. 🤯 That was not slow! I am so excited! For some reason I am also TERRIFIED to tell family, co-workers, and friends. Was just wondering if anyone else out there has jitters about this like I do? We live about 1,100 miles away from both of our families. They will both be in the area to visit around Easter so we are planning to tell them then. It’s super early, but we want to tell them in person since we don’t see them much. This will be the first grandchild for his side and mine. I am hoping once that is done all of the jitters will be gone!