Kiera • Mama to a beautiful little baby boy and two mischievous kitties 👶🏻🐱🐱

TTC newbie and although I may be a little naive for being so excited. I don’t care. 🤷🏽‍♀️

For the past four days or so, I’ve had a number of pregnancy related symptoms.

sore tender breasts,

lower back pain,

pretty gassy (at the sake of my SO😬),

CONSTANTLY having to pee,

uncomfortable pinching in my lower left side and more lower center of my uterus,

some unflattering bloating 🙄,

waves of nausea,

episodes of dizziness and vertigo,

and to top it all off,

I’m TWENTY days late.

The only buzzkill is all my urine tests have been BFNs. But upon reading some of the posts you wonderful ladies have made about having the same issue and still finding out your little nugget is on the way,

I maintain hope and am currently waiting for the results of my quantitative blood HcG test!

I get so nervous posting in here because everyone else seems so seasoned and knowledgeable. And although I haven’t been trying nearly as long as some of these other wonderful women. I desperately want this to happen.

Sending good thoughts and baby dust out to myself and all the other hopeful mommies to be this month.