Have you had a late period??Just wondering what everyone thinks

My period was 9 days late this cycle first time its ever been late. Normally I have a 28-29 day cycle and last month (my first month using opks) I had a positive opk on CD14.

Due to my period being 9 days late glow now predicts my ovulation date on CD18 and also changed my cycle to 31days instead of 28.

So what I’m wondering is will my cycle go back to normal? Do you think I will ovulate on CD14 (I circled it in pic) or CD18?

My bf does not get home until CD18 so my fingers and toes are crossed really don’t want to miss out this month 🙁 I know I won’t really Know until the time comes but was jw if anyone had some input or had similar happen. Thanks

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