Ex boyfriend drama!!

So I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday because he started to treat me like garbage and he was starting to get physically abusive so I left as soon as I could. Well as soon as he left my house after I broke up with him he kicked his car door in and sped off, he then proceeded to text me saying I should watch my back because he is dangerous. That alone scared me so I was crying to my mom on the phone terrified and soon she managed to calm me down to just have his friend message me 2 hours later threatening to come find me. I told him I was going to the police and blocked him I tried not to think anything of it. I went to bed and woke up every hour from the same nightmare of my ex outside my house taking pictures of me and smashing windows in my house. Please help me I don't know what to do at this point I'm terrified. (I said we're don't bye after he continuously called me a using bitch)